Author Archives: Cooper

What Is Spyware? An Overview of Spy and Malware

Spyware is malicious software that can intercept and take control of your computer without your knowledge or consent. The presence of spyware in the computer of a person is a major threat to the privacy and productivity of a person. Spyware can get very easily installed to your computer without your knowledge. There are some software which can help you in fighting off the menace of spyware. Reading spyware reviews can help you in buying the best spyware remover available in the market. For, there are different […]

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Malware May Be Hard At Work On Your Computer

If you’ve been using a personal computer for some time the word “Malware” gets on your nerves. Malware is the nice term for malicious software, anyone that has had their PC corrupted by it will use a different choice of words. Malicious software includes viruses, adware, spyware, and Trojans. If you don’t take precautions they will take over your computer. Viruses are probably the most common type of malware. Viruses can do all kinds of maddening things to your computer. They can erase all the files on […]

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Malware or Spyware

Malware is a new term used to describe malicious “mal” software “ware” that has no other purpose other than to destroy or disrupt a computer. Spyware and adware are considered to be malware. There is only one reason for spyware to be put on your computer, and that’s to make money, and no, not money for you. When you download those funny and comical files that your friends e mailed to you, free video or music files, free wallpaper, etc. spyware usually comes attached. The spyware industry […]

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Virus Overview

Computer Viruses are one of the biggest “bogeyman” of the Internet, and with attacks by Melissa, ILoveYou, Nimda, and Michelangelo, there are damage estimates and virus warnings all over the Internet. But what are they really? A virus is a program that spreads to other computers. Like all forms of malware, it both runs without the user’s knowledge or permission and it can interfere with other programs that are trying to run on the same computer. Some viruses also carry a payload, like ticking time bombs. On […]

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The five types of malware are: Virus: A virus is a computer program that has been coded to replicate itself and infect a computer without the user’s knowledge. A virus spreads from computer to computer by infecting network files as well as CDs, USB drives, and other forms of removable media. The best free anti-virus is AVG anti-virus which can be found at . Trojan horse: Trojan horse or just Trojan is a program which looks legitimate but performs illegitimate actions such as granting full access […]

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Firewalls and Proxies

In building construction, a firewall is a structure designed to contain building fires. For example, an attic crawlspace that covers the entire length of the building would allow a fire to roar from one end of the building to the other. Breaking up the crawlspace with non-flammable walls helps to slow the spread of a fire. Network firewalls have a similar function. A firewall is a network security system, either a program or an actual device, that breaks up a network to contain viruses and hackers. Imagine […]

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Backdoor Programs

It’s the ultimate nightmare for a computer user, the idea that someone outside the computer can take over. The official “technical” term is Remote Administration, but hackers are more likely to use the word Backdoor. With Windows XP, remote administration comes pre-installed. Windows XP has an option called Remote Assistance, where an XP technician can “remote in” and take over your computer. The remote tech has as much control over your system as if he was sitting there at the keyboard. The hackers predate Microsoft by several […]

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Adware Overview

Adware is advertising delivered directly to your computer. Generally, a program puts ads on the screen at some regular interval. In some cases, this program can be installed without the user’s knowledge, but not always. Many programs clearly state on install that “this program is supported by advertising, and if you turn off the advertising, you also shut down the program.” Adware tends to be a “grey area” in the malware family. Yes, it can run without the user’s knowledge, and yes, it can bog down the […]

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Malware Overview

Do you know what goes on under the hood of your car? Do you know the solution for a warning light on the dash? Do you know what’s wrong with the car if it starts making strange noises or loses power? Those same questions can be asked about your computer. Computers can have many of the same problems as cars. Engine problems can cause cars to lose power, just like a large program can take up too much of the computer for anything else to run. Where […]

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Spyware Overview

Imagine a program that watches your computer. It sits in memory, watching everything the computer does–the websites it displays, the passwords used to get into them, the advertisements that get clicked on. This program silently and secretly gathers all of this information, without the user’s knowledge. Then, at some point, it connects to a server somewhere on the Internet, and hands over this collection–again, without letting the owner of the computer know what it’s done. Scary thought? Experts believe that at least six out of ten perhaps […]

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